Open Scenario Editor
Open Scenario Editor is a simple ASAM OpenSCENARIO (*.xosc) editor based on Environment Simulator Minimalistic (esmini).
ASAM OpenSCENARIO defines a file format for the description of the dynamic content of driving and traffic simulators. The primary use-case of OpenSCENARIO is to describe complex, synchronized maneuvers that involve multiple entities like vehicles, pedestrians and other traffic participants. The description of a maneuver may be based on driver actions (e.g. performing a lane change) or on trajectories (e.g. derived from a recorded driving maneuver). Other content, such as the description of the ego vehicle, driver appearance, pedestrians, traffic and environment conditions, is included in the standard as well. You can also read more about OpenSCENARIO format on the ASAM website.
Open Scenario Editor repository