Infotiv Qualified for Final Phase in 2021 IEEE Autonomous Driving AI Test Challenge
Infotiv thrive when we get to explore, be curious and challenge ourselves at the frontline of technology. The Infotiv research group was recently part of a Swedish team for the “2021 IEEE Autonomous Driving AI Test Challenge”. We are proud to announce that out of 119 teams entering the fierce competition our team placed itself among the top 13 that were qualified for the final phase of the challenge.
Infotiv qualified for final phase in AI Test Challenge Postad 2021-09-23 Infotiv thrive when we get to explore, be curious and challenge ourselves at the frontline of technology. The Infotiv research group was recently part of a Swedish team for the “2021 IEEE Autonomous Driving AI Test Challenge”. We are proud to announce that out of 119 teams entering the fierce competition our team placed itself among the top 13 that were qualified for the final phase of the challenge.
The main challenge was testing the Apollo open autonomous driving platform with the help of SVL simulation platform.
During the challenge, the team designed a tool to aid the automatic generation of various traffic scenarios to verify and validate the safety functionality of autonomous systems.
The results of this experiment were presented at IEEE AI Test Conference and will also be published in a paper titled “Efficient and Effective Generation of Test Cases for Pedestrian Detection – Search-based Software Testing of Baidu Apollo in SVL”.
In the competition, Infotiv collaborated with researchers from Chalmers University of Technology, Research Institutes of Sweden, and Mälardalen University, as a part of VALU3S research project (“Verification and Validation of Automated Systems’ Safety and Security”).
2021 IEEE Autonomous Driving AI Test Challenge:
SVL end-to-end autonomous vehicle simulation platform
The Apollo open autonomous driving platform